Answered By: Robyn Gleasner
Last Updated: Oct 05, 2021     Views: 50

To access the full text of articles from Pubmed Single Citation Matcher or the MeSH Database, a connection between Pubmed and HSLIC's resources must be established.

​​​​​​1. Do a search by using one of the following methods:

     A. Select Pubmed from the dropdown on HSLIC's Search Box


     B. Click on the Pubmed link underneath HSLIC's Search Box or go to

2.  If going directly to Pubmed, make sure the URL has =unmlib at the end.  Note: you must do a search to make a connection between Pubmed and HSLIC's resources.

3.  To use Single Citation Matcher or MeSH, Go back to the Pubmed homepage at and click on either Single Citation Matcher or the MeSH Database at the bottom of the page.

5.  The “Find at UNM” button should appear on the articles you click on.

6. Click on the “Find at UNM” button to read the full-text or to request via InterLibrary Loan.

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